Cotman Watercolour Studio Set 45 Half Pans


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A large set containing all paint in the Cotman range, Winsor & Newton’s Cotman Water Colour Studio Set 45 also contains five extra pans. This studio set is perfect for beginners, yet also functions perfectly as professional watercolour paints.

Set contains 45 half pans in the following colours: Colours are subject to variations.

◦ 1 x Burnt Sienna 74

◦ 1 x Burnt Umber 76

◦ 1 x Cadmium Orange Hue 90

◦ 1 x Cadmium Red Deep Hue 98

◦ 1 x Cadmium Red Hue 95

◦ 1 x Cadmium Red Pale Hue 103

◦ 1 x Cadmium Yellow Hue 109

◦ 1 x Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue 119

◦ 1 x Cerulean Blue Hue 139

◦ 1 x Cobalt Blue Hue 179

◦ 1 x Dioxazine Violet 231

◦ 1 x Emerald 235

◦ 1 x Gamboge Hue 266

◦ 1 x Hooker's Green Dark 312

◦ 1 x Hooker's Green Light 314

◦ 1 x Indian Red 317

◦ 1 x Indigo 322

◦ 1 x Intense Blue Phthalo Blue 327

◦ 1 x Intense Green Phthalo Green 329

◦ 1 x Lamp Black 337

◦ 1 x Lemon Yellow Hue 346

◦ 1 x Light Red 362

◦ 1 x Mauve 398

◦ 1 x Payne's Gray 465

◦ 1 x Permanent Rose 502

◦ 1 x Prussian Blue 538

◦ 1 x Purple Lake 544

◦ 1 x Raw Sienna 552

◦ 1 x Raw Umber 554

◦ 1 x Rose Madder Hue 580

◦ 1 x Sap Green 599

◦ 1 x Sepia 609

◦ 1 x Turquoise 654

◦ 1 x Vandyke Brown 676

◦ 1 x Viridian Hue 696

◦ 2 x Yellow Ochre 744

◦ 2 x Alizarin Crimson Hue 3

◦ 2 x Chinese White 150

◦ 2 x Ivory Black 331

◦ 2 x Ultramarine 660